Can you share a story where a seemingly simple gesture made a world of difference to someone?
Bill cleaned out his locker of books, papers, his sweater (oh, that’s where it was), and assorted detritus of a middle schooler’s life. Too much to carry, he began dropping items.
Mark stopped, asked if he could help and picked up a few things.
The two boys walked home. Mark discovered Bill enjoyed sports, had a baseball card collection, and a pet cat. Bill’s Mom invited Mark in for cookies and milk.
Over the years, the boys kept in touch, even as high school and then college added new friends and demands on their time.
At graduation, Mark received a letter. Bill wrote, “You didn’t ask why I was cleaning out my locker that day. I wanted to not leave a mess behind because I was planning on killing myself. You literally saved my life.”
Not all simple gestures have such lifesaving consequences, but all are worthy and of value. Might you offer a simple gesture today?
(Thanks to Debra Killick who shared this yesterday at Crumbaugh Spiritualist Service.)